
SNV Netherlands Development Organization
SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in more than 25 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.
The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD)
The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) provides finance and Technical Assistance (TA) Origination Facility (OF) managed by SNV and WWF identifies investment opportunities that support climate change adaptation, mitigation as well as key sustainable development co-benefits such as biodiversity conservation, environmental protection, poverty reduction and gender equality. The OF supports the further elaboration of projects with private sector partners through the provision of TA for project design, feasibility assessments, piloting and other activities which de-risk and enable the graduation of projects for commercial investment.
Company AMRU and the DFCD
DFCD has agreed to support Amru, through grants and technical assistance, on a range of activities that will collectively develop the package of regenerative agricultural practices that Amru seeks to promote
adoption and prepare Amru for scaling and further (commercial) investment.
Alongside other commissioned activities including a baseline assessment of Amru’s existing suppliers, DFCD and Amru want to conduct an ESG and GESI assessment.
Project Sites
AMRU has selected 3 provinces for the project site to be assessed the ESG such as Mondulkiri, Preah Vihear and Battambang. Preah Vihear and Mondulkiri is the main province to supply organic rice and Battambang is supply sustainable rice platforms (SRP). The milling factory will also access according to ESG and GESI framework.
Assignment Overview
The assessment will conducts for both at supply side and processing factory in order to oversee of the ESG and GESI complaint of AMRU’s and looking for the gap to make the plan for improvement of the ESG and GESI for implementation and scale up the business.
Detailed Tasks
The following tasks are to be performed under the project manager and environmental and social safeguards specialist, and in consultation with AMRU designated staff.
a) Develop a work plan for the assignment
b) Conduct a desk review of the company’s business model, approach, systems, project reports (e.g. any existing environmental and social management system report and relevant policies of the company, as well as reports of similar projects (e.g. funded by ADB or others) in Cambodia, and available data as well as other relevant secondary environmental and social data.
c) Collect general environmental and socio-economic baseline information for the project area and develop a profile covering :
- Geography and biophysical characteristics (rock types, soils, hydrology, forest cover) (secondary data)
- Biodiversity (habitats, species of conservation concern, protected areas, high conservation value areas, etc)
- Demographic/Population structure (male/female; ages; indigenous peoples etc)
- Key socio-economic parameters (regional gross domestic product, poverty levels, main industries/economic sectors, employment, health, education, etc.)
- Livelihood strategies
- Climate vulnerability and natural resource dependency
- Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) issues
- Land ownership and use
d) Conduct a review of relevant national legislation and local policies/regulations applicable to the company’s business modele) Conduct preliminary consultations with local stakeholders including land and resource owners/users and potentially affected communities and households. The project should be presented and initial perspectives gathered.
f) Assessment of how local communities interact with and use the site today, how they have used it in the past and how they may use it in the future:
- Main livelihood activities of the local communities and whether any activities in the project area could impact community access to resources for identified stakeholders
- Any stakeholders that may be able to influence project outcomes, whether these groups may be supportive or not (with reasons why) towards the proposed project activities
- Identification of any groups that will need to participate in the community engagement activities such as those that rely on the site for their livelihoods or are part of a land-rights conflict
g) Preliminary review of community development needs and priorities, past and current development initiatives
h) Assess potential environmental and social risks associated with the project activities in accordance with the IFC Performance Standards. It should be noted that this is not a full Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) but the ESA shall identify and scope key issues
i) Based on the ESA, elaborate an initial Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the project identifying key avoidance, management, and mitigation measures to minimize adverse impacts and maximize positive impacts (e.g. contributions to ecosystem restoration in the wider landscape, social benefits such as jobs/employment opportunities for local people/ethnic minorities and women in the supply chain).
j) Provide an initial plan for fire safety and occupational health and safety measures.
k) Present results of the assessment of the project’s environmental and social benefits and risks as well as the initial ESMP and GAP. Document concerns/grievances of local stakeholders and/or the extent of broad community support for the project.
The GESI analysis will take an intersectional approach that takes into consideration how various social determinants like age, gender, disability, ethnicity, minority, and economic status, among others, contribute to challenges or facilitate opportunities for individuals and households who seek to generate income from the agricultural and regenerative agriculture sector.
Based on the GESI analysis and in cross-reference with the ESMP, develop a Gender Action Plan (GAP) identifying specific measures that ensure the project ‘does no harm’ and where possible positively address gender inequalities and injustices. The GAP shall be a brief document intended to complement the ESMP indicating specifically how gender equality is addressed within the broader remit of social inclusion in the business model/project. Additional activities to promote gender equality or women’s economic empowerment (WEE) could also be included where feasible.
The main objectives would be:
a) Enhance Amru’s capacity for gender mainstreaming internally and, in its supply and value chain
b) Strengthen Amru’s internal HR framework to support and enhance Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
c) Mainstream gender in Amru’s project cycle and impact monitoring process
d) To promote Amru as a ‘gender inclusive’ and equitable company to attract investment.
- Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) Report
- Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) including recommendations for AMRU’s ESMS
- ESMS manual and associated presentations, training materials
- Gender Action Plan (GAP)
3 months, June to August 2023 (estimated level of effort: 60 days)
Consultant qualifications and experience
A team of consultants or a firm with a complementary skill set and relevant experience covering the requirements of the assignment i.e.:
- Each consultant should have at least MSc. in a relevant discipline e.g. agriculture /environmental science, anthropology, international development.
- Each consultant should have at least 7 years relevant experience in the performance of similar assignments (ESA, gender assessments) in relation to agriculture and rural development projects.
- Demonstrable familiarity with relevant international standards and safeguards frameworks (especially the IFC Performance Standards)
- Demonstrable experience in the performance of similar assignments advising private sector agribusinesses on ESG aspects and ESMS is highly desirable and experience in the rice sector is an advantage.
Submission of Letter of Intent and Proposal
- This call is for research institutions, NGOs and independent consultants
- Parties who intend to conduct the study should submit a Letter of Intent along with a proposal. The proposal should show the agency/individual’s track record of similar studies conducted, the methodology of the study (approaches and deliverables), a brief CV of the team member’s qualifications and similar work experiences, a proposed work schedule and a budget
- The deadline for submission is 15 June 2023.
Further inquiries kindly email or contact: [email protected]; [email protected] or [email protected]
Company Amru Rice Cambodia Co., Ltd
Company Amru Rice Cambodia Co., Ltd
- Tailor a CV to a specific job
- Keep it simple
- Include key information - personal detail
- Showcase achievements