PHP Team Leader

Gender: Male
Nationality: Indian

Work Experience

PHP Team Leader

- September 2016 to Present

Nanita Tech Co., Ltd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Phnom Penh


MA in Computer Application

- 2012 to 2014

SNS College of Technology - India


English (Fluent) , Hindi (Native)
Last updated: 3 weeks ago
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ID: 2464

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PHP Team Leader

Nanita Tech Co., Ltd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Work Experience

PHP Team Leader

Nanita Tech Co., Ltd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Phnom Penh

September 2016 to Present


MA in Computer Application

SNS College of Technology - India

2012 to 2014


254 (238) , 267 (237)

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